.. _forms: .. module:: registration.forms Forms for user registration =========================== Several form classes are provided with |project|, covering common cases for gathering account information and implementing common constraints for user registration. These forms were designed with |project|'s :ref:`default backend ` in mind, but may also be useful in other situations. .. class:: RegistrationForm A simple form for registering an account. Has the following fields, all of which are required: ``username`` The username to use for the new account. This is represented as a text input which validates that the username is unique, consists entirely of alphanumeric characters and underscores and is at most 30 characters in length. ``email`` The email address to use for the new account. This is represented as a text input which accepts email addresses up to 75 characters in length. ``password1`` The password to use for the new account. This represented as a password input (``input type="password"`` in the rendered HTML). ``password2`` The password to use for the new account. This represented as a password input (``input type="password"`` in the rendered HTML). Password mismatches are recorded as errors of ``password2``. The constraints on usernames and email addresses match those enforced by Django's default authentication backend for instances of ``django.contrib.auth.models.User``. The repeated entry of the password serves to catch typos. .. class:: RegistrationFormTermsOfService A subclass of :class:`RegistrationForm` which adds one additional, required field: ``tos`` A checkbox indicating agreement to the site's terms of service/user agreement. .. class:: RegistrationFormUniqueEmail A subclass of :class:`RegistrationForm` which enforces uniqueness of email addresses in addition to uniqueness of usernames. .. class:: RegistrationFormNoFreeEmail A subclass of :class:`RegistrationForm` which disallows registration using addresses from some common free email providers. This can, in some cases, cut down on automated registration by spambots. By default, the following domains are disallowed for email addresses: * ``aim.com`` * ``aol.com`` * ``email.com`` * ``gmail.com`` * ``googlemail.com`` * ``hotmail.com`` * ``hushmail.com`` * ``msn.com`` * ``mail.ru`` * ``mailinator.com`` * ``live.com`` * ``yahoo.com`` * ``outlook.com`` To change this, subclass this form and set the class attribute ``bad_domains`` to a list of domains you wish to disallow. Multiple Form Inheritance ------------------------- Multiple :class:`RegistrationForm` subclasses can be inherited into one class. For instance, if your project requires a terms of service and a unique email upon registration, those subclasses can be inherited into a single class. That would look like this:: # myapp/forms.py class CustomForm(RegistrationFormTermsOfService, RegistrationFormUniqueEmail): pass NOTE: If inheriting both :class:`RegistrationFormNoFreeEmail` and :class:`RegistrationFormUniqueEmail`. :class:`RegistrationFormNoFreeEmail` must be inherited first, like this:: # myapp/forms.py class CustomForm(RegistrationFormNoFreeEmail, RegistrationFormUniqueEmail): pass You can also add any customization to the form, to add additional fields for example. Once you have built your form you must update the ``REGISTRATION_FORM`` reflect the string dotted path to the form you wish to use. For our example in ``settings.py`` you would change ``REGISTRATION_FORM = 'myapp.forms.CustomForm'``.