.. _admin-approval-backend: .. module:: registration.backends.admin_approval The admin approval backend ========================== As an alternative to :ref:`the default backend `, and an example of writing alternate workflows, |project| bundles an approval-needed registration system in ``registration.backend.admin_approval``. This backend's workflow is similar to the default with one extra step of approval from an admin. Specifically the steps are the following: 1. A user signs up by filling out a registration form. 2. The user confirms the account by following the link sent to the email address supplied during registration. 3. An admin receives an email with a link that will approve the user registration. 4. When the admin approves the request, the user receives an email informing them that they can now login. Configuration ------------- To make use of this backend, simply include the URLConf ``registration.backends.admin_approval.urls`` at whatever location you choose in your URL hierarchy. This backend makes use of the same settings documented in :ref:`the default backend ` plus the following settings: ``REGISTRATION_ADMINS`` A list with the same structure as the ``ADMINS`` Django setting containing names and emails. Approval emails will be sent to the emails defined here. If this setting is not set (or is empty), emails defined in ``ADMINS`` will be used. Optionally, this can be defined as a string with the path of a callable that returns a list of the same structure as the ``ADMINS`` setting.